

When I went to State School, some 40 years ago, I remember one teacher in particular, I had her for 2 years in a row.

She would put the day's work on the blackboard, text books page numbers, SRC notes, maths text book page numbers etc. Then after news or whatever she would direct us to the mornings work and allow us to do it in any order. The resources were at various stations around the classroom. We loved going about the work how we wanted to, I remember a certain sense of power and freedom.

The same teacher would describe her ideas for a different classroom layout, without desks but with benches, she told us her husband was a carpenter. She liked the idea of benches being around the edges of the room. She had some different ideas about teaching, she was young and enthusiastic and idealistic. I remember doing art with her and embroidery, she was alway patient and kind.


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